Language Options

Language allows you to supply a BCP-47 language tag that specifies the primary spoken language of submitted audio.

language string. Default: en

Enable Feature

To enable Language in your API request you can add the language parameter in the query string and set it to the language you would like to recognize:



For a full list of languages and compatible models see our Model & Language Overview.

To transcribe audio from a file on your computer, run the following curl command in a terminal or your favorite API client.

curl \
  --request POST \
  --header 'Authorization: Token YOUR_DEEPGRAM_API_KEY' \
  --header 'Content-Type: audio/wav' \
  --data-binary @youraudio.wav \
  --url ''


Replace YOUR_DEEPGRAM_API_KEY with your Deepgram API Key.


Once the language option is applied, results will appear in the transcript.

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