Returns the breakdown of usage for a specific project.

Required Scopes

Required project scope(s): project:read. Read more about roles and scopes.

How to filter results

You can use any feature specific query param used in our APIs to filter your results. For any query param we don't recognize, we'll treat it generically as a feature as there is no validation on the query params.

For example you can use diarize=true or utterances=true in your query and if these features have been used your summarized data will include those specific requests in the response.

You can use the Get Fields endpoint to determine what you can filter by.

curl --location '{project_id}/usage/breakdown?diarize=true&utterances=true' \
--header 'Authorization: Token YOUR_DEEPGRAM_API_KEY'

Grouping Dimensions

You can also group results based on different dimensions. To do so apply the grouping query param followed by the value you wish to group by. You can use the following options to group data in your responses.

accessorThe public accessor identifier for an API Key.
deploymentThe deployment type used: self-hosted, hosted, beta
endpointThe endpoint used: listen, speak, agent,read
feature_setThe collection of features used.
modelThe models used.
methodThe processing method used: sync, async, or streaming.
tagsAny tags used.

curl --location '{project_id}/usage/breakdown&grouping=model' \
--header 'Authorization: Token YOUR_DEEPGRAM_API_KEY'

You can also filter by individual value from the above dimensions. Examples include:

  • endpoint=listen
  • accessor=2e1bf047-68df-40c0-9553-f385739a6af2
  • model=2e1bf047-68df-40c0-9553-f385739a6af2
curl --location '{project_id}/usage/breakdown?model={model_id}' \
--header 'Authorization: Token YOUR_DEEPGRAM_API_KEY'