Working With Roles & API Scopes

Learn how to use roles and API scope permissions when working with the Deepgram API and Console.

Deepgram uses a tiered system of access control to provide granular access to its endpoints. These tiers include account (or global) permissions and project permissions. Applying different tiers of permissions allows for more granularity at the project level. For example, an account may have the project:kick permission for one project but not for another project.

Account Roles

At the account level, certain permissions imply other specific permissions. For example, an account that has access to the project:write permission also implicitly has access to the project:read permission. Similarly, account:write access implies access to every other account permission.

Project Roles

At the project level, users can have access to several roles, including owner, admin, and member, which, similar to account permissions, imply access to another set of permissions:

Project RoleImplicit Project Permissions
ownerproject:read project:write project:write:settings project:write:destroy keys:read keys:write members:read members:read:invites members:read:scopes members:write members:write:invites members:write:scopes members:write:kick admins:read admins:read:invites admins:read:scopes admins:write admins:write:invites admins:write:scopes admins:write:kick owners:read owners:read:invites owners:read:scopes owners:write owners:write:invites owners:write:scopes owners:write:kick usage:read usage:write billing:read billing:write
adminproject:read project:write keys:read keys:write (restricted to keys they’ve created) members:read members:read:invites members:read:scopes members:write members:write:invites members:write:scopes members:write:kick admins:read admins:read:invites admins:read:scopes admins:write admins:write:invites admins:write:scopes admins:write:kick owners:read owners:read:invites owners:read:scopes usage:read usage:write billing:read
memberproject:read project:write keys:read (restricted to keys they’ve created) keys:write (restricted to keys they’ve created) usage:read usage:write

Self-Hosted Product Scopes

Deepgram self-hosted users have been assigned self-hosted product scopes in accordance with their contracts. Any user with these scopes may create self-hosted API keys and distribution credentials.

The full list of self-hosted product scopes is as follows:

Product Scope
self-hosted:product:api self-hosted:product:engine self-hosted:product:license-proxy self-hosted:product:dgtools self-hosted:product:billing self-hosted:product:hotpepper self-hosted:product:metrics-server

The self-hosted:products scope can be provided at self-hosted API key or distribution credentials creation time as a short-hand which implies all available self-hosted product scopes.

For example an API key has the self-hosted:product:api, self-hosted:product:engine, and self-hosted:product:license-proxy scopes granted to it. For requests authenticated with that API key, the use of self-hosted:products would imply all of those scopes when included in a key creation request.

Product ScopeExample of Implicit Product Scopes
self-hosted:productsself-hosted:product:api self-hosted:product:engine self-hosted:product:license-proxy

Product Scopes and Project Roles

Self-hosted API keys can also be created with Console project roles. To do so, simply include the desired role in the same scopes list as the self-hosted product scopes when submitting the key creation request.

Here is an example of an self-hosted API key which includes both the member project role as well as the self-hosted:products scopes.

2 "member": {
3 "member_id": "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000",
4 "email": "[email protected]"
5 },
6 "api_key": {
7 "api_key_id": "6dcd4ce0-2d9e-4f7f-9257-67e9420b9b7f",
8 "comment": "Self-hosted API Key Example with both the member role and product scopes.",
9 "scopes": [
10 "member",
11 "self-hosted:product:api",
12 "self-hosted:product:engine",
13 "self-hosted:product:license-proxy"
14 ],
15 "created": "2023-06-27T16:59:46.572660Z"
16 }

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