Live Streaming Audio Transcription

An overview of the Deepgram .NET SDK and Deepgram speech-to-text live streaming.

The .NET SDK implements a LiveClient at the root of the Deepgram namespace. This encapsulates a websocket connection to the Deepgram API and returns a class that emits events received from the Deepgram API for consumption by your application.

Initiating a Connection

The Connect() method initiates a connection with the Deepgram API via websocket. You may pass in options for the transcription as well.

// Set "DEEPGRAM_API_KEY" environment variable to your Deepgram API Key
var liveClient = ClientFactory.CreateListenWebSocketClient();

// Start the connection
var liveSchema = new LiveSchema()
  Model = "nova-2",
await liveClient.Connect(liveSchema);


The following events are fired by the LiveTranscriptionClient:

OpenResponseThe websocket connection to Deepgram has been opened.OpenResponse object
ResultResponseDeepgram has responded with a transcriptionResultResponse object
MetadataResponseInformation about the websocket connectionMetadataResponse object
SpeechStartedResponseA SpeechStarted event was firedSpeechStartedResponse object
UtteranceEndResponseAn UtteranceEndResponse event was firedUtteranceEndResponse object
CloseResponseThe websocket connection to Deepgram has been closed.CloseResponse object
ErrorResponseAn error was encounteredErrorResponse object
UnhandledResponseAn unhandled response message was receivedUnhandledResponse object

OpenResponse Event

Subscribe to the OpenResponse event by calling the Subscribe() function.

liveClient.Subscribe(new EventHandler<OpenResponse>((sender, e) =>
	Console.WriteLine($"\n\n----> OpenResponse received");

ResultResponse Event

Subscribe to the ResultResponse event by calling the Subscribe() function.

liveClient.Subscribe(new EventHandler<ResultResponse>((sender, e) =>
	Console.WriteLine($"----> Speaker: {e.Channel.Alternatives[0].Transcript}");

MetadataResponse Event

Subscribe to the MetadataResponse event by calling the Subscribe() function.

liveClient.Subscribe(new EventHandler<MetadataResponse>((sender, e) =>
	Console.WriteLine($"----> MetadataResponse received");

SpeechStartedResponse Event

Subscribe to the SpeechStartedResponse event by calling the Subscribe() function.

liveClient.Subscribe(new EventHandler<SpeechStartedResponse>((sender, e) =>
	Console.WriteLine($"----> SpeechStartedResponse received");

UtteranceEndResponse Event

Subscribe to the UtteranceEndResponse event by calling the Subscribe() function.

liveClient.Subscribe(new EventHandler<UtteranceEndResponse>((sender, e) =>
	Console.WriteLine($"----> UtteranceEndResponse received");

CloseResponse Event

Subscribe to the CloseResponse event by calling the Subscribe() function.

liveClient.Subscribe(new EventHandler<CloseResponse>((sender, e) =>
	Console.WriteLine($"----> CloseResponse received");

ErrorResponse Event

Subscribe to the ErrorResponse event by calling the Subscribe() function.

liveClient.Subscribe(new EventHandler<ErrorResponse>((sender, e) =>
	Console.WriteLine($"----> ErrorResponse received");

UnhandledResponse Event

Subscribe to the UnhandledResponse event by calling the Subscribe() function.

liveClient.Subscribe(new EventHandler<UnhandledResponse>((sender, e) =>
	Console.WriteLine($"----> UnhandledResponse received");


These functions provide capabilities that make up the LiveClient API.

Sending Data

The Send method sends raw audio data to the Deepgram API.


Get Websocket State

The State method returns the ready state of the websocket connection to Deepgram.

var websocketState = liveClient.State();

Stop Transcribing

The Stop method sends a signal to the Deepgram API that you have finished streaming audio, and it should conclude its transcription efforts. Upon sending the final transcript back, it will close the websocket connection.

await liveClient.Stop()