
Summarization provides a brief summary of the audio.

summarize string.

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Deepgram’s Summarization feature summarizes the content of the submitted audio and returns a brief summary in the JSON response.

Enable Feature

To enable Summarization V2, use the following parameter in the query string when you call Deepgram’s /listen endpoint :


To transcribe audio from a file on your computer, run the following curl command in a terminal or your favorite API client.

$curl \
> --request POST \
> --header 'Authorization: Token YOUR_DEEPGRAM_API_KEY' \
> --header 'Content-Type: audio/wav' \
> --data-binary @youraudio.wav \
> --url ''

Replace YOUR_DEEPGRAM_API_KEY with your Deepgram API Key.

Query Parameters

summarizev2stringEnables the V2 version of summarization. The output response will include a single object with a result and short summary of the entire audio. It will generate one summary across all channels.
summarizetruebooleanEnables the V1 version of summarization. The output response will include an array of objects with summary, start_word, and end_word. It will generate summaries per channel. Summarization V1 is deprecated.
summarizefalsebooleanDisables the summarization feature.

Analyze Response

When the file is finished processing, you’ll receive a JSON response that has the following basic structure:

2 "metadata": {...},
3 "results": {
4 "channels": [
5 {
6 "alternatives": [...]
7 }
8 ],
9 "summary": {
10 "result":"success"
11 "short": "Jake calls the Honda dealership and speaks with Josh about the new Honda Civic 2023. Jake schedules a test drive for the hybrid model on Friday and provides his contact information.Josh confirms the appointment and tells Jake to call if he has any further questions."
12 }
13 }

The summary object contains:

  • result: Status of the request (success | failure).
  • short: Short summary of the audio being summarized.

This summarization feature produces one summary across all channels so that the summary field ranks at the same place in the JSON response as the channels array.

The JSON response for Summarization V2 (summarize=v2) differs from the JSON response for Summarization V1 (summarize=true).

API Error and Warning Response


If you request Summarization V2 with an unsupported language by specifying a language code such as summarize=v2&language=es, you will get an error message like the one below.

2 "err_code": "Bad Request",
3 "err_msg": "Summarization v2 not supported for non-English languages",
4 "request_id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"


If you request Summarization V2 with automatic language detection such as summarize=v2&detect_language=true, where the detected language is unsupported (Spanish, for example), you will get the response, including a transcript and a warning object.

1"warnings": [
2 {
3 "parameter": "TEXT",
4 "type": "unsupported_language",
5 "message": "TEXT"
6 }
Warning NameWarning Message
unsupported_languageFeature isn’t supported with the specified or detected language.

Example Warning

Here is an example of the JSON structure of a request with warning object:

2 "metadata": {
4 },
5 "warnings": [
6 {
7 "parameter": "summarize",
8 "type": "unsupported_language",
9 "message": "Summarization isn’t supported for the detected language."
10 }
11 ],
12 },
13 "results": {
14 "channels": [
15 {
16 "alternatives": [...]
17 }
18 ],
19 "summary":
20 {
21 "result": "failure",
22 "short": "The summarization feature is currently only available in English. Please check out our API documentation for more details."
23 }
24 }
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