Genesys and Deepgram

Genesys is a cloud-based platform used by many organizations to manage their call centers. With our plug-and-play Genesys integration, you can have all of your Genesys calls transcribed by Deepgram.

In this guide, we’ll explain how to configure Deepgram as your transcription engine in Genesys.

Before you begin

Before you can use Deepgram, you’ll need to create a Deepgram account. Signup is free and includes $200 in free credit and access to all of Deepgram’s features!

Before you start, you’ll need to follow the steps in the Make Your First API Request guide to obtain a Deepgram API key, and configure your environment if you are choosing to use a Deepgram SDK.

Set Up a Genesys Cloud Org

You’ll also need a Genesys Cloud org where you have completed the initial setup tasks so that your call center can receive calls.

Install Transcription Connector

In your Genesys org, follow the steps to install Transcription Connector. The feature is currently in Limited Availability, so you may need to work with Genesys to give your org access.

Configure Transcription Connector

Once you’ve installed Transcription Connector, it will appear under Admin > Integrations in the Genesys UI.

  1. Click the three dots on the Transcription Connector row and choose Edit Integration.

  2. Under Configuration > Properties, set Channel to both and Connection URI to wss://

  3. Under Configuration > Credentials, click Configure and paste your Deepgram API key into the API Key field. Leave the Client Secret field blank. Then click OK.

    If you specify an API key and then change it, it can take a long time for the new API key to propagate through the Genesys system. Give it 30 minutes before you assume that Deepgram is receiving the new API key. If you don’t want to wait, you can delete Transcription Connector from the Integrations page, reinstall it, and provide the new API key to the reinstalled Transcription Connector.

Set advanced configuration

Under Configuration > Advanced, provide a JSON object to customize the Deepgram request. For example:

2 "model": "nova-3",
3 "smart_format": true,
4 "endpointing": 500,
5 "tag": [
6 "sometag1",
7 "sometag2"
8 ]

Within this JSON object, you have access to the full suite of features in Deepgram’s streaming API. However, be careful NOT to include any of the following, as they would prevent the integration from working correctly:

  • sample_rate
  • encoding
  • channels
  • multichannel
  • callback

Setting endpointing to a high value like 500 is recommended for best transcript accuracy.

Activate integration

Back in Admin > Integrations, flip the switch to activate the integration. Make sure it goes into the blue Active state and no errors are displayed.

Choose where to use the Transcription Connector

Follow the Genesys docs to select where your newly configured transcription engine will be used.

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