Agent Keep Alive

Send messages ensuring uninterrupted communication for your agent.

Voice Agent

What is the keepAlive Message

The KeepAlive message is a JSON command that you can use to ensure that the server does not close the connection.

Using KeepAlive is not recommended for most agent conversations, because you will typically be sending continuous microphone audio to the agent in case the user has something to say.

Sending KeepAlive

To send the KeepAlive message, you need to send the following JSON message to the server:

This message should only be used during a period of time when the client is not sending audio. During such a period, the client can send a KeepAlive message every 8 seconds to keep the connection open.

2 "type": "KeepAlive"

KeepAlive Confirmation

You will not receive a response back from the server.


The KeepAlive message is a useful JSON command that helps maintain an open connection with the server, preventing it from being closed due to inactivity. This ensures continuous communication without interruptions during periods when no other data is being transmitted.

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