Update Speak

Send a message to change the Speak model in the middle of a conversation.

What is the UpdateSpeak Message

TheUpdateSpeak message is a JSON command that you can use to change the Speak model in the middle of a conversation.

Sending UpdateSpeak

To send the UpdateSpeak message, you need to send the following JSON message to the server:

  "type": "UpdateSpeak",
  "model": "" // The new Speak model  

UpdateSpeak Confirmation

Upon receiving the UpdateSpeak message, the server will process all remaining audio data and return the following:

    "type": "SpeakUpdated"


the UpdateSpeak message is a powerful JSON command that allows you to switch the Speak model during a conversation. This flexibility enables real-time adjustments to the agent's voice output, ensuring a more dynamic and responsive interaction tailored to the evolving needs of the conversation.