Inputs: Client Messages

Client messages you can send to the server to control the Voice Agent.

Client Messages are JSON-formatted commands that the client sends to the Deepgram server over the WebSocket connection during a voice agent interaction. These messages allow the client to control various aspects of the conversation, configure the agent, and provide necessary information.

List of Client Messages

  • Settings Configuration: Initializes the voice agent and sets up audio transmission formats before any voice data is exchanged. Docs
  • Update Instructions: Allows giving additional instructions to the Think model in the middle of a conversation.
  • Update Speak: Enables changing the Speak model during the conversation.
  • Inject Agent Message: Triggers an immediate statement from the agent.
  • Function Call Response: Sends the result of a function call back to the server.
  • Agent Keep Alive: Maintains the connection to prevent timeouts.

For more detailed information on the format and usage of each message, refer to the individual documentation pages for each message.

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