
Redaction removes sensitive information from your transcripts.

redact string Default: False

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Enable Feature

To enable redaction, use the following parameter in the query string when you call Deepgram’s /listen endpoint:



Redacting Common Entities

Deepgram provides the following options to redact common groups of entities:

  • pci: Redacts credit card information, including credit card number, expiration date, and CVV.
  • pii: Redacts personally identifiable information, including names and locations and complete and 4 digit social security numbers.
  • numbers (or true): Redacts numerical entities, such as dates and account numbers.

Redacting Specific Entities

When submitting pre-recorded audio to Deepgram’s hosted endpoint (, you may select the types of entities you wish to redact from over 50 supported entity types. This powerful functionality allows you total control over what is redacted in your transcript.

Some options include credit_card, credit_card_expiration, cvv, and email_address.

View all options here: Supported Entity Types


You can enable redaction by adding redact=OPTION as a query parameter.

To transcribe audio and remove PCI data from an audio file run the following cURL command:

$curl \
> --request POST \
> --header 'Authorization: Token YOUR_DEEPGRAM_API_KEY' \
> --header 'Content-Type: audio/wav' \
> --data-binary @youraudio.wav \
> --url ''

Multiple types of entities can be redacted with the syntax redact=option_1&redact=option_2. To transcribe audio and remove PCI and PII data from an audio file run the following cURL command:

$curl \
> --request POST \
> --header 'Authorization: Token YOUR_DEEPGRAM_API_KEY' \
> --header 'Content-Type: audio/wav' \
> --data-binary @youraudio.wav \
> --url ''

Replace YOUR_DEEPGRAM_API_KEY with your Deepgram API Key.


To ensure redaction operates with the highest accuracy, set no_delay=false or avoid including no_delay altogether. If no_delay=true is set, our system will opt for low latency at the risk of redaction performance.

When live-streaming audio to Deepgram’s hosted endpoint, redaction options include:

  • pci: Redacts sensitive credit card information, including credit card number, expiration date, and CVV.
  • numbers (or true): Redacts series of three or more consecutive numerals.
  • aggressive_numbers: Redacts all numerals.
  • ssn: Redacts complete social security numbers.
  • Multiple redaction values can be sent: redact=pci&redact=numbers


For both Live-streaming and Pre-recorded audio, Redaction replaces redacted content with the type of entity redacted and the number of times that entity has been detected in the transcript. For example, if you choose to redact social security numbers, the phrase “My social security number is five five five two two one one one one and his is six six six two two one three three three” would appear in your transcript as “My social security number is [SSN_1] and his is [SSN_2]“.

Example with redact=pci&redact=pii:

SourceBefore redactAfter redact
my credit card number is four four four four nine nine nine nine three three three three two two two two with an expiration date of one twenty three and the cvv code is one one one i live at one two three main street dallas texas seven five two zero one my phone number is five five five two one two nine three three three my date of birth is july twelfth nineteen seventy sixmy credit card number is four four four four nine nine nine nine three three three three two two two two with an expiration date of one twenty three and the cvv code is one one one i live at one two three main street dallas texas seven five two zero one my phone number is five five five two one two nine three three three my date of birth is july twelfth nineteen seventy sixmy credit card number is [CREDIT_CARD_1] with an expiration date of [CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRATION_1] and the cv code is [CVV_1] i live at [LOCATION_ADDRESS_1] my phone number is [PHONE_NUMBER_1] my date of birth is [DOB_1]

Self Hosted Language Support

For self-hosted deployments, we currently only support English language redaction.

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