Getting Started

An introduction to getting transcription data from live streaming audio in real time.

In this guide, you'll learn how to automatically transcribe live streaming audio in real time using Deepgram's SDKs, which are supported for use with the Deepgram API. (If you prefer not to use a Deepgram SDK, jump to the section Non-SDK Code Examples.)


Before you start, you'll need to follow the steps in the Make Your First API Request guide to obtain a Deepgram API key, and configure your environment if you are choosing to use a Deepgram SDK.


To transcribe audio from an audio stream using one of Deepgram's SDKs, follow these steps.

Install the SDK

Open your terminal, navigate to the location on your drive where you want to create your project, and install the Deepgram SDK.

# Install the Deepgram JS SDK

npm install @deepgram/sdk
# Install the Deepgram Python SDK

pip install deepgram-sdk
# Install the Deepgram .NET SDK

dotnet add package Deepgram
# Install the Deepgram Go SDK

go get

Add Dependencies

# Install cross-fetch: Platform-agnostic Fetch API with typescript support, a simple interface, and optional polyfill.
# Install dotenv to protect your api key

npm install cross-fetch dotenv
# Install python-dotenv to protect your API key

pip install python-dotenv
// In your .csproj file, add the Package Reference:

    <PackageReference Include="Deepgram" Version="4.4.0" />
# Importing the Deepgram Go SDK should pull in all dependencies required

Transcribe Audio from a Remote Stream

The following code shows how to transcribe audio from a remote audio stream. If you would like to learn how to stream audio from a microphone, check out our Live Audio Starter Apps or specific examples in the readme of each of the Deepgram SDKs.

// Example filename: index.js

const { createClient, LiveTranscriptionEvents } = require("@deepgram/sdk");
const fetch = require("cross-fetch");
const dotenv = require("dotenv");

// URL for the realtime streaming audio you would like to transcribe
const url = "";

const live = async () => {
  // STEP 1: Create a Deepgram client using the API key
  const deepgram = createClient(process.env.DEEPGRAM_API_KEY);

  // STEP 2: Create a live transcription connection
  const connection ={
    model: "nova-3",
    language: "en-US",
    smart_format: true,

  // STEP 3: Listen for events from the live transcription connection
  connection.on(LiveTranscriptionEvents.Open, () => {
    connection.on(LiveTranscriptionEvents.Close, () => {
      console.log("Connection closed.");

    connection.on(LiveTranscriptionEvents.Transcript, (data) => {

    connection.on(LiveTranscriptionEvents.Metadata, (data) => {

    connection.on(LiveTranscriptionEvents.Error, (err) => {

    // STEP 4: Fetch the audio stream and send it to the live transcription connection
      .then((r) => r.body)
      .then((res) => {
        res.on("readable", () => {


# Example filename:

import httpx
import logging
from deepgram.utils import verboselogs
import threading

from deepgram import (

# URL for the realtime streaming audio you would like to transcribe
URL = ""

def main():
        # use default config
        deepgram: DeepgramClient = DeepgramClient()

        # Create a websocket connection to Deepgram
        dg_connection = deepgram.listen.websocket.v("1")

        def on_message(self, result, **kwargs):
            sentence =[0].transcript
            if len(sentence) == 0:
            print(f"speaker: {sentence}")

        dg_connection.on(LiveTranscriptionEvents.Transcript, on_message)

        # connect to websocket
        options = LiveOptions(model="nova-3")

        print("\n\nPress Enter to stop recording...\n\n")
        if dg_connection.start(options) is False:
            print("Failed to start connection")

        lock_exit = threading.Lock()
        exit = False

        # define a worker thread
        def myThread():
            with"GET", URL) as r:
                for data in r.iter_bytes():
                    if exit:


        # start the worker thread
        myHttp = threading.Thread(target=myThread)

        # signal finished
        exit = True

        # Wait for the HTTP thread to close and join

        # Indicate that we've finished


    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Could not open socket: {e}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
// Example filename: Program.cs

using Deepgram.Models.Listen.v2.WebSocket;

namespace SampleApp
    class Program
        static async Task Main(string[] args)
                // Initialize Library with default logging

                // use the client factory with a API Key set with the "DEEPGRAM_API_KEY" environment variable
                var liveClient = new ListenWebSocketClient();

                // Subscribe to the EventResponseReceived event
                await liveClient.Subscribe(new EventHandler<ResultResponse>((sender, e) =>
                    if (e.Channel.Alternatives[0].Transcript == "")
                    Console.WriteLine($"Speaker: {e.Channel.Alternatives[0].Transcript}");

                // Start the connection
                var liveSchema = new LiveSchema()
                    Model = "nova-3",
                    SmartFormat = true,
                bool bConnected = await liveClient.Connect(liveSchema);
                if (!bConnected)
                    Console.WriteLine("Failed to connect to the server");

                // get the webcast data... this is a blocking operation
                    var url = "";
                    using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
                        using (Stream receiveStream = await client.GetStreamAsync(url))
                            while (liveClient.IsConnected())
                                byte[] buffer = new byte[2048];
                                await receiveStream.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                catch (Exception e)

                // Stop the connection
                await liveClient.Stop();

                // Teardown Library
            catch (Exception e)
// Example filename: main.go
package main

import (

	interfaces ""
	client ""

const (

func main() {
	// STEP 1: init Deepgram client library

	// STEP 2: define context to manage the lifecycle of the request
	ctx := context.Background()

	// STEP 3: define options for the request
	transcriptOptions := interfaces.LiveTranscriptionOptions{
		Model:       "nova-3",
		Language:    "en-US",
		SmartFormat: true,

	// STEP 4: create a Deepgram client using default settings
	// NOTE: you can set your API KEY in your bash profile by typing the following line in your shell:
	dgClient, err := client.NewForDemo(ctx, &transcriptOptions)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("ERROR creating LiveTranscription connection:", err)

	// STEP 5: connect to the Deepgram service
	bConnected := dgClient.Connect()
	if !bConnected {
		fmt.Println("Client.Connect failed")

	// STEP 6: create an HTTP client to stream audio data
	httpClient := new(http.Client)

	// STEP 7: create an HTTP stream
	res, err := httpClient.Get(STREAM_URL)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("httpClient.Get failed. Err: %v\n", err)

	fmt.Printf("Stream is up and running %s\n", reflect.TypeOf(res))

	go func() {
		// STEP 8: feed the HTTP stream to the Deepgram client (this is a blocking call)

	// STEP 9: wait for user to exit
	fmt.Print("Press ENTER to exit!\n\n")
	input := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)

	// STEP 10: close HTTP stream

	// STEP 11: close the Deepgram client

	fmt.Printf("Program exiting...\n")


The above example includes the parameter model=nova-3, which tells the API to use Deepgram's latest model. Removing this parameter will result in the API using the default model, which is currently model=base.

It also includes Deepgram's Smart Formatting feature, smart_format=true. This will format currency amounts, phone numbers, email addresses, and more for enhanced transcript readability.

Non-SDK Code Examples

If you would like to try out making a Deepgram speech-to-text request in a specific language (but not using Deepgram's SDKs), we offer a library of code-samples in this Github repo. However, we recommend first trying out our SDKs.


In order to see the results from Deepgram, you must run the application. Run your application from the terminal. Your transcripts will appear in your shell.

# Run your application using the file you created in the previous step
# Example: node index.js

# Run your application using the file you created in the previous step
# Example: python

# Run your application using the file you created in the previous step
# Example: dotnet run Program.cs

dotnet run YOUR_PROJECT_NAME.cs
# Run your application using the file you created in the previous step
# Example: go run main.go 



Deepgram does not store transcripts, so the Deepgram API response is the only opportunity to retrieve the transcript. Make sure to save output or return transcriptions to a callback URL for custom processing.

Analyze the Response

The responses that are returned will look similar to this:

  "type": "Results",
  "channel_index": [
  "duration": 1.98,
  "start": 5.99,
  "is_final": true,
  "speech_final": true,
  "channel": {
    "alternatives": [
        "transcript": "Tell me more about this.",
        "confidence": 0.99964225,
        "words": [
            "word": "tell",
            "start": 6.0699997,
            "end": 6.3499994,
            "confidence": 0.99782443,
            "punctuated_word": "Tell"
            "word": "me",
            "start": 6.3499994,
            "end": 6.6299996,
            "confidence": 0.9998324,
            "punctuated_word": "me"
            "word": "more",
            "start": 6.6299996,
            "end": 6.79,
            "confidence": 0.9995466,
            "punctuated_word": "more"
            "word": "about",
            "start": 6.79,
            "end": 7.0299997,
            "confidence": 0.99984455,
            "punctuated_word": "about"
            "word": "this",
            "start": 7.0299997,
            "end": 7.2699995,
            "confidence": 0.99964225,
            "punctuated_word": "this"
  "metadata": {
    "request_id": "52cc0efe-fa77-4aa7-b79c-0dda09de2f14",
    "model_info": {
      "name": "2-general-nova",
      "version": "2024-01-18.26916",
      "arch": "nova-2"
    "model_uuid": "c0d1a568-ce81-4fea-97e7-bd45cb1fdf3c"
  "from_finalize": false

In this default response, we see:

  • transcript: the transcript for the audio segment being processed.

  • confidence: a floating point value between 0 and 1 that indicates overall transcript reliability. Larger values indicate higher confidence.

  • words: an object containing each word in the transcript, along with its start time and end time (in seconds) from the beginning of the audio stream, and a confidence value.

    • Because we passed the smart_format: true option to the transcription.prerecorded method, each word object also includes its punctuated_word value, which contains the transformed word after punctuation and capitalization are applied.
  • speech_final: tells us this segment of speech naturally ended at this point. By default, Deepgram live streaming looks for any deviation in the natural flow of speech and returns a finalized response at these places. To learn more about this feature, see Endpointing.

  • is_final: If this says false, it is indicating that Deepgram will continue waiting to see if more data will improve its predictions. Deepgram live streaming can return a series of interim transcripts followed by a final transcript. To learn more, see Interim Results.


Endpointing can be used with Deepgram's Interim Results feature. To compare and contrast these features, and to explore best practices for using them together, see Using Endpointing and Interim Results with Live Streaming Audio.

If your scenario requires you to keep the connection alive even while data is not being sent to Deepgram, you can send periodic KeepAlive messages to essentially "pause" the connection without closing it. To learn more, see KeepAlive.

What's Next?

Now that you've gotten transcripts for streaming audio, enhance your knowledge by exploring the following areas. You can also check out our Live Streaming API Reference for a list of all possible parameters.

Try the Starter Apps

  • Clone and run one of our Live Audio Starter App repositories to see a full application with a frontend UI and a backend server streaming audio to Deepgram.

Read the Feature Guides

Deepgram's features help you to customize your transcripts.

  • Language: Learn how to transcribe audio in other languages.
  • Feature Overview: Review the list of features available for streaming speech-to-text. Then, dive into individual guides for more details.

Tips and tricks

Add Your Audio

Explore Use Cases

Transcribe Pre-recorded Audio

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