Deepgram offers custom model training as part of our Enterprise offering. Typically, a customer will provide the needed data to Deepgram, and our team can handle all aspects of turning that data into a custom model for your use case.

There may be situations where you want to train your own custom models in your self-hosted environment. DGTools offers a path forward. Users of DGTools can take a general domain model and train it with production-representative data, or trainable data, to produce a targeted domain model.

The quality of your trainable data matters. Errors in transcription will lead to sub-optimal outcomes.


Limited Model Support

DGTools is only available for Base and Enhanced Deepgram models. If you are interested in fine-tuning Nova, Nova-2, Aura, or other models, please contact support .

Use Cases

  • Reducing word error rate (WER) by teaching an uncommon word to a general domain model, producing a targeted domain model.
  • Reducing WER by improving targeted domain model confidence with additional trainable data.

Deploying DGTools


Prepare Your Linux Environment

This guide is written assuming you are running Ubuntu and the environment has been prepared to run Deepgram self-hosted. If you are unfamiliar with the self-hosted cloud environment requirements, please review the Self-Hosted Introduction before proceeding with this guide.


Running DGTools and the Deepgram API/Engine at the same time on a single machine is not supported. They will compete for the same GPU resources and likely result in a CUDA Out-Of-Memory (OOM) error.

Container Image Setup

Container Image Repository Access

DGTools is provided as a Docker container image, hosted in Quay at You will need to be logged into Quay; see the Self Service Licensing & Credentials guide for instructions.

Non-Root User

DGTools must be run as a non-root user. For instructions with Docker or Podman, see step 2 of the "Install Container Runtime" section in the Drivers and Container Orchestration Tools guide. For Kubernetes, you can specify a non-root user in the pod security context.


Create the dgtools directory for the license file and training data

Create the dgtools directory and its dgdatasets subdirectory in your home directory $HOME. This directory will serve as the installation location of the DGTools license file as well as any user-provided data sets that will be used for model training.

mkdir -p $HOME/dgtools/dgdatasets

Create the DGTOOLS_RESOURCE_DIR environment variable, which points to the new dgtools directory. This statement will also add the DGTOOLS_RESOURCE_DIR environment variable to your .bashrc file.

export DGTOOLS_RESOURCE_DIR=$HOME/dgtools; \
echo "export DGTOOLS_RESOURCE_DIR=\$HOME/dgtools" >> $HOME/.bashrc

You should make this directory findable within your path by adding DGTOOLS_RESOURCE_DIR to your path and adding it to your .bashrc file.

echo "export PATH=\$DGTOOLS_RESOURCE_DIR:\$PATH" >> $HOME/.bashrc

Create the dgtools script

Use the following command to create the dgtools script in the dgtools directory:

cat > $DGTOOLS_RESOURCE_DIR/dgtools <<'EOF'
set -e
docker pull $DGTOOLS_IMAGE
docker run \
-t \
-i \
--gpus all \
--volume $DGTOOLS_RESOURCE_DIR:/dgtraining \
--volume $HOME:$HOME \
--user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
"$(pwd)" "$@"

Make the script executable:

chmod +x $DGTOOLS_RESOURCE_DIR/dgtools

Create the dgtools.toml license file

Use the following command to create the dgtools.toml license file in the dgtools directory:

echo -e "[license]\n\nkey = \"REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_KEY\"\nserver_url = \"\"" > $DGTOOLS_RESOURCE_DIR/dgtools.toml

Copy any data sets to be used for model training into the new dgtools/dgdatasets subdirectory:


Testing the Installation

Download the Docker container image for DGTools and test the installation:

dgtools version

The output should look similar to:

2.1.4: Pulling from deepgram/self-hosted-dgtools
Digest: sha256:99f87647a09aad82d2b7ad853af14e9561da1eb1529e2c6c39fd775f078d0c1f
Status: Image is up to date for deepgram/self-hosted-dgtools:2.1.4
DGTools v2.1.4

Using DGTools

DGTools autotrain subcommand

The primary subcommand for dgtools is dgtools autotrain. It allows a user to custom-train an initial model provided by Deepgram. Additionally, users can rename models and “top-off” a model with additional training data.


DGTools supports customizing Deepgram's Base and Enhanced models.

Training Data

dgtools/dgdatasets is where DGTools will search for training data. You can copy new data sets into subdirectories within dgtools/dgdatasets, and DGTools will automatically find them the next time it’s run. Data sets must contain audio files and associated labeled audio transcript text files. A given audio file and its associated labeled audio transcript must share the same file name with different file extensions. Data sets must be self-contained within their own subdirectory (for example, $DGTOOLS_RESOURCE_DIR/dgdatasets/example_data_set).

Supported Languages

DGTools supports training models for a variety of languages in the open beta. The default language is en and the dgdatasets for English can exist as a subdirectory of $DGTOOLS_RESOURCE_DIR.

Additionally, DGTools can automatically detect the language type for a given model and search $DGTOOLS_RESOURCE_DIR for a matching subdirectory. Subdirectories for a specific language should match the BCP-47 language tag and contain a subdirectory named dgdatsets. For example, a Spanish dataset could be placed at $DGTOOLS_RESOURCE_DIR/es/dgdatasets/example_data_set.

Terminal sessions and tmux

We recommend running DGTools inside a tmux session to ensure that it is not interrupted during training.

You can list the current tmux sessions with the tmux ls command.

You can reattach to a tmux session with the tmux attach -t SESSION_ID command, where SESSION_ID matches your session ID from the current sessions list.

Using autotrain from scratch

To use DGTools to train an initial model, provide the path location of that model file to the dgtools autotrain subcommand. DGTools autotrain takes the path to the initial model to train as its only required parameter. If the model supports training, DGTools will train the model with the data sets from the dgdatasets directory and produce a <model_name>.last.dg file (for example, general.last.dg).

dgtools autotrain ./general.dg

In the output for the command, there is a a sample countdown which indicates how many samples are remaining in the training process. If a model does not support training, the command will return an error indicating that the model is not trainable. Please contact Deepgram support for assistance if your model does not support training.

Topping-off a model with autotrain --top-off

If you are just adding additional training data to dgdatsets/ and want to re-run autotrain, you can "top-off" the model using the --top-off flag to skip adding new vocabulary words and speed up the operation.

dgtools autotrain ./<model_name>.last.dg --top-off

Revisiting dgdatasets/ with --revisit-count N

If you want to adjust the amount of times a given sample within dgdatasets is re-visited during autotrain, you can set the --revisit-count N, where N is the number of times a sample should be revisited. By default, dgtools autotrain revisits samples 20 times, whereas dgtools autotrain --top-off revisits samples 10 times.

dgtools autotrain ./general.last.dg --top-off --revisit-count 100


The default --revisit-count values for autotrain and topping-off were chosen to find a balance with training and the risk of “over-fitting” a model.

A model is considered to be “over-fit” when training starts to negatively impact its validation accuracy. Validation accuracy is a useful measure for determining when a model’s training is “complete” and is used by DGTools to create model checkpoints.

Continuous checkpointing

DGTools creates “checkpoint” models as it trains. DGTools does this by tracking the validation accuracy of the intermediate models it produces while training, and then preserving the best two copies as a <model_name>.best.REMAINING_SAMPLE_COUNT.VALIDATION_ACCURACY.dg file (for example, REMAINING_SAMPLE_COUNT is represented as an integer and can be intepreted as the number of samples remaining in the training process. VALIDATION_ACCURACY is represented as an integer and can be interpreted as a percentage, e.g. 842 -> 84.2%.

DGTools also preserves the last two checkpoint models in addition to the two best checkpoint models. A model is only saved as a checkpoint model if it is neither of the best models.

Marking dgdatasets/ data samples for inclusion in training or validation

In a given data set subdirectory within dgdatasets, two different files may exist:

  • keep_train.lst may contain a source identifier (for example, a filename without the path or file extension) of files to attempt to include in the training list.
  • keep_validate.lst may contain a source identifier (for example, a filename without the path or file extension) of files to attempt to include in the validation list.

Comments prefixed with # in either file will be ignored.

In the event of conflict where a source identifier is in either the training or validation lists for previous model training iterations, a warning will be printed to the screen and the new inclusion designation will be ignored.

Specifying data set subdirectories with --dataset-locations

The --dataset-locations argument can be used to specify a data set subdirectory or to provide a file containing a list of data set subdirectories. For example, if you know that within your dgdatasets directory you have subdirectories A, B, and C , you can tell DGTools to use only the A subdirectory with the following command:

dgtools autotrain example-model.dg --dataset-locations /dgtraining:A

If your data sets are organized into subdirectories by language code (like en), then reference the language code as part of the --dataset-locations path:

dgtools autotrain example-model.dg --dataset-locations /dgtraining/en:A

Alternatively, you could create a file named datasets.lst in your $DGTOOLS_RESOURCE_DIR (mounted within the Docker container as /dgtraining) and reference multiple data set subdirectories in that file. For example, if you wanted to use only the A and C data sets, you could add the following to datasets.lst:

# Include only A and C

and then pass that file to DGTools with the following command:

dgtools autotrain example-model.dg --dataset-locations /dgtraining/datasets.lst

DGTools makedeployable subcommand

Providing makedeployable an output model name and tags

To output a model with a specific filename, use the flag --name and --tags to provide the name and any tags for the model’s metadata information. You can specify an arbitrary number of string tags for the model via the --tags flag. If you do not use these flags, the default name will be derived from the model's metadata, as opposed to updating the new model's metadata with the name you supplied.

The .last model file should generally be used as the deployable file, but as a best practice we recommend evaluating either of the .best model files for deployment in addition to the .last model file.

$ dgtools makedeployable general.last.dg --name deployed_model --tags 1
Initializing the environment...
Created deployed_model_en__1_deployable.dg.

$ ls
initial.dg general.last.dg deployed_model_en__1_deployable.dg

Other DGTools subcommands

In addition to autotrain, these subcommands are useful for determining how to use DGTools, listing the supported training languages, retrieving and printing a model file’s metadata information, and printing the DGTools version information.


The help subcommand can be used to print out the built-in help information for DGTools:

$ dgtools help
Valid subcommands are: autotrain, makedeployable, modelinfo, listlang, help, version. For help on individual subcommands, type the '--help' option after the subcommand.
See for more information.


The listlang subcommand can be used to report the supported training languages:

$ dgtools listlang
Currently supported languages: en, es, nl, ko.


The modelinfo subcommand can be used to retrieve and print a given model’s metadata information, including whether or not the model is trainable and whether or not the model is deployable:

$ dgtools modelinfo ./deployed_model_en__1_deployable.dg
Model is trainable and deployable.
Name: deployed_model
UUID: a965179c-a8c3-457d-bc67-32b66f579656
Version: 2021-08-18
Tags: topped-off, example
Languages: en


The version subcommand can be used to print the current DGTools version information:

$ dgtools version
Copyright © 2022 Deepgram, Inc.
DGTools v2.1.1

You can also use the following docker command to output the DGTools container image information:

docker image inspect quay.iodeepgram/self-hosted-dgtools:<YOUR_TAG>